Book an Appointment
Waterfield Wellness is currently open for BOTH In-Office appointments AND “eVisits.”
On this page, scroll down to find the service you are looking for and click one of the treatments (in Blue). The scheduling system will automatically display the next available appointment, or you can search for a day and time that works for you. If it is the first time you are using our new scheduling system, you will be prompted to set up a secure patient profile, enter a payment method, and complete a new Health History intake form. This intake form requirement applies to both existing patients and new patients. You may otherwise simply call our office for more information at (339)-645-0532.
Waterfield Wellness is Open!
Chinese Herbal Medicine
Chinese Herbal Medicine involves the use of ethically and sustainably harvested plants, animals and minerals to treat either chronic/systemic or acute/localized imbalances, as diagnosed by a nationally certified Diplomate of Chinese Herbal Medicine.
Tui Na (Chinese Medical Massage)
Encompassing a wide variety of tissue and energy manipulation techniques, Tui Na utilizes a combination of Traditional Chinese Medical theory and a modern understanding of anatomy and physiology to restore functional and structural balance, increase vitality, and re-establish the body’s innate healing mechanisms. This ancient form of Asian bodywork may be used on its own as a periodic “tune-up” or in concert with a comprehensive holistic health maintenance program.
Telehealth eVisits
eVisits (Telehealth Virtual Consults) are a convenient and powerful way to receive care, whether through herbal consultations, personalized medical qigong prescriptions, nutritional recommendations, or even individual instruction in cupping, moxa, or self-massage. During eVisits, you receive one-to-one customized care while being empowered to step up your own daily self-care game.
FREE 10 Minute Consult
Schedule a FREE 10 Minute Consult to learn more about how we can help. Below, you may choose between either a phone consult OR an eVisit consult (via video conferencing).
Select a treatment
from the list on the left
to view available appointment times

Need Help? 339-645-0532